- Introduction
- HypnoBirthing®
- Rational for comfortable birth
- How the uterus works
- What's wrong with labour
- How fear effects labour
- Origin of pain concept
- Hypnosis and deep relaxation/Creating positive birth outcomes
- HypnoBirthing® Stories DVD 1 and 2
Unit 2 - Falling in love with your baby/Preparing mind and body
- HypnoBirthing® Stories DVD 3 and 4
- Pre-birth parenting techniques
- Rapid and instant inductions
- Breathing techniques for labour and birthing
- Progressive, instant and deepening techniques
- Hypnotic relaxation and visualization
- Look at your estimated due date
- Making hospital, home or birthing centre plans
- Preparing the body for birthing
- Light touch massage
- HypnoBirthing® Stories DVD 5 and 6
- Preparing birth preferences
- When baby is ready
- Avoiding artificial induction of labour
- Your body working for you and with you
- Releasing negative emotions, fears and limiting thoughts
Unit 4 - Overview of childbirth - A labour of love
- HypnoBirthing® Stories DVD 7and 8
- Onset of labour - Thinning and opening phase
- Arriving at the hospital
- As labour moves along
- Birth companion`s role
- If labour rests or slows
- Positions for labour and birthing
- As birthing advances - Nearing completion
- Birth rehearsal imagery
Unit 5 - Birthing - Breathing love, bringing life
- Mother nears completion
- Thinning and opening phase ends
- Birth explained simply
- Breathing baby down
- Birth placenta
- Bonding with baby
Affiliated with the HypnoBirthing® Institute